Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Camera

I knew if I was going to be putting pictures on this blog, I better get a new camera. The one I had was seven years old, and the shutter delay drove me nuts. Joey got a new camera after she saw the pictures that Jody Miller had taken with her camera. So of course when Joey showed me her camera and its capabilities, I got a huge case of camera envy. Nothing would do except for me to get one, too. So I did.

It takes really good pictures. And videos. So I may do a video sometime, too.
My old camera had 3.3 magapixels, this new one has 8 megapixels. It is a Canon Powershot 5 IS (Image Stabilizer)

This picture of Casey is really clear.

This camera has a 12x optical zoom on it. Even from far away, this picture of Chloe is very detailed.

I took a picture of Sadie, Joey's Dalmation. Isn't she a cutie?

Joey and I have been teaching each other how to run it. The book has 199 pages; it is way more complicated than my last camera. But we'll get proficient soon, or maybe later.

1 comment:

Barbara and Ron said...

Geez, now I have camera envy. Those are good pictures. I've been thinking about it.